All available awards.
Get the fastest time for a day.
Double Gold:
Get the fastest time two days in a row.
Triple Gold:
Get the fastest time three days in a row.
Quadruple Gold:
Get the fastest time four days in a row.
Get the second fastest time for a day.
Double Silver:
Get the second fastest time two days in a row.
Triple Silver:
Get the second fastest time three days in a row.
Quadruple Silver:
Get the second fastest time four days in a row.
Get the third fastest time for a day.
Double Bronze:
Get the third fastest time two days in a row.
Triple Bronze:
Get the third fastest time three days in a row.
Quadruple Bronze:
Get the third fastest time four days in a row.
Consistent Position ×2:
Get the same position two days in a row.
Consistent Position ×3:
Get the same position three days in a row.
Consistent Position ×4:
Get the same position four days in a row.
Consistent Position ×5:
Get the same position five days in a row.
Consistent Position ×6:
Get the same position six days in a row.
Unlock third, second, and first place awards.
Podium Climbing:
Unlock third, second, then first place awards in order.
Half Time:
Half your completion time from one day to the next.
Quarter Time:
Quarter your completion time from one day to the next.
Double Time:
Double your completion time from one day to the next.
Sub Two Minutes:
Complete a puzzle in less than two minutes.
Sub Minute:
Complete a puzzle in less than a minute.
Sub 45 Seconds:
Complete a puzzle in less than 45 seconds.
Sub 30 Seconds:
Complete a puzzle in less than 30 seconds.
Sub 20 Seconds:
Complete a puzzle in less than 20 seconds.
Over Five Minutes:
Complete a puzzle in more than 5 minutes.
Over Ten Minutes:
Complete a puzzle in more than 10 minutes.
Nice Try, Joel:
Complete a puzzle in less than a minute on a Saturday.
Happy Anniversary!:
Play the crossword on the anniversary of this website.
Ho Ho Ho:
Play the crossword on Christmas day.
I Choo Choo Choose You:
Play the crossword on Valentines day.
Chain 3:
Participate in a chain of three sequential times.
Chain 4:
Participate in a chain of four sequential times.
Chain 5:
Participate in a chain of five sequential times.
Chain 6:
Participate in a chain of six sequential times.
Three Day Streak:
Play for three days in a row.
Week-Long Streak:
Play for a full week without breaks.
Month-Long Streak:
Play for a full month (30 days) without breaks.
Quarter-Long Streak:
Play for a full quarter, give that OKR a 1.
Come back to the crossword after a week off.
Get the same time as another person.
Get the same time as two other people.
Get the same time as three other people.
Get the same time as four other people.
Get the same time as five other people.
Twinning In Gold:
Get the twinning award and the fastest time for a day.
Yin and Yang:
Get the same time as another person but with flipped seconds.
Join us.
3.141 592 653 589 793 238 462 643….
Blaze It:
That's illegal and I don't condone it.
Don't Panic:
A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have.
Now this won't hurt a bit….
Two for Tuesday:
Get a time of exactly 2:00 on a Tuesday.
1 Friday Street:
Get a time of exactly 1:00 on a Friday.
The Number of The Beast:
His number is six hundred and sixty-six.
What's your emergency?.
Unlucky for Some:
Come 13th three times.
Quick Draw:
Complete a puzzle before anyone else (or within 30 minutes of the first person).
Slow and Steady:
Complete a puzzle after everyone else but with the fastest time.
Get a glitched time (and admit to it!).